On Feb 19, 3:30*pm, Cindy Hamilton >
> On Feb 19, 1:36*pm, rajiv123 >
> wrote:
> > The marinade is the key to a good grilled food. Put a generous amount of
> > marinade to the food that you are about to grill. The best cut for
> > marinated food should at least one inch thick. When cooking directly
> > from a charcoal grill, sufficient amount of coal can add to the quality
> > of your food.
> > With these basic tips in mind, you are sure to make your way to a
> > delectable and satisfying meal!
> > Cooking is something fun, could be one of your hobby. Especially for
> > moms. Mom should prepare the meal for the family. Change your menu
> > everyday, so your family won't be bored. Take our free various recipes.
> > So you can plan different menu each day. Happy Cooking!
> Why can't Dad prepare the meal? *Let him get off his big, dead butt
> for a change.
This drivel was from foodbanter. What did you expect? You know they
are not the brightest bunch over there.