Costco membership
Gloria wrote:
> There are just two of us. I love Costco's cheese selection, their large
> bags of shelled pecans and almonds, mushrooms, fresh figs in season, baby
> salad greens, smoked salmon, whole beef tenderloins (for the extended
> family visits or guests), cry-o-vac boneless chicken breasts, large pkgs
> of yeast, multi-packed batteries, artichoke and jalapeno spread, and
> multi-pack canned tomato sauce. Since our neighborhood Albertson's has
> closed along with their pharmacy, I am about to transfer our prescriptions
> to Costco. We have three Costcos within 10 miles of us.
> I do try to go only once or twice a month because I'm like a kid in a
> candy store there.
To which I'll add: They've got good prices on wine (and stronger alcohol),
they've got produce I don't see elsewhere (like those colossal grapes in the
summer), and the savings on our HDTV was enough to pay for membership for
several years. The Kirkland brand of dog food is good quality, and so that's
what we buy for our "golden cuddler."
The big beef rib roasts are handy for breaking down into boneless roasts and
racks of meaty beef ribs: When you see beef ribs in grocery stores, almost
all the meat has been removed, rendering them useless for barbecue. If you
cut ribs off the roasts yourself, you can keep the meat there.
I'm glad Ross mentioned birdseed; Lin's been getting it at Target, but it
never occurred to me to see if it's at Costco.
The only problems I have with Costco are their shitty check-out lines and
their spotty product availability. Lin likes ground coffee (rather than
whole bean), and when I was in Costco just a few days ago, they only had one
selection of ground coffee, which happened to be a roast Lin doesn't like.