Costco membership
"Ed Pawlowski" wrote:
>BJ's here. Just two of us and I save enough to pay for the membership many
>times over. Do you want to pay $1.79 for a boneless pork loin or $4.49 at
>the supermarket? Having a freezer helps, but even without, I could buy
>enough to save.
I have a Sam's Club membership, that's what's closest but still more
than 30 miles one way... I shop there like 3-4 times a year but not
for everyday food items, mostly specialty food items like whole
cheeses, dry sausages, snack foods like pretzels, a few large bags of
candy, I've a weakness for gum drops, jelly beans, sweedish fish and
the like, jars of marinated olives/pickles, but mostly cat food and
cat litter, and paper goods... I buy staple canned goods by the case,
and large bags of pasta, things like that... toiletries and OTC drugs
too. The few times I go I buy a lot, and save many times my
membership. But I can buy better boneless pork loins at Price Chopper
for $2/lb, that's one of the cuts that's almost always on sale at that
price. I tried the meats at the big box stores but don't find them to
be a quality grade, it has always been inferior, especially pork and
beef, the two meats I consume the most, I don't eat lamb and I eat
seafood out. I don't cook a lot of poultry, typically a turkey on
Turkey Day and the occasional roasting chicken on the grill, I never
buy cut-up chicken. I see no bargains on fresh meats at the big box
stores... in fact the little stupidmarket here in town sells very good
quality meat, and at low prices if I shop the sale items... I know the
butcher there and he will custom cut whatever I want, that's how I got
that piece of boneless chuck for the soup I just made, only I should
have asked for a hunk twice that size, not his fault I misjudged.
>OTC medications are all big money savers at the club stores.
Agreed, but only if you can use those large sizes before they expire.
But I save even more on the few OTCs I use regularly at Amazon and
they come right to my door for free.
>Propane tanks for the grill and my shop heater save $5 a fill over local places.
>I fill 10 to 12 tanks a year.
That's a very expensive way to purchase that much propane, you'd do
much better to have a bulk tank installed, and save all those trips
hauling dangerous tanks. Wait-a-minute, didn't you just buy a fancy
schmancy gas stove, where does that gas come from?