Why has shrimp been so cheap this past year?
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Janet Wilder > wrote:
>> I'm just guessing, but I do live in one of the largest commercial
>> shrimping areas in the US. The price of fuel was down this year so the
>> price of the shrimp are reflecting it. When fuel was high a few years
>> ago, shrimp were very expensive, so I believe there is a definite
>> correlation.
>> I don't buy farmed shrimp from foreign countries.
>> Living here in way-the-heck-south Texas I can get Gulf of Mexico
>> wild-caught shrimp at pretty decent prices. I can get fresh shrimp if I
>> want it, but it's easier to just go to HEB when they have a sale and get
>> bags of the wild-caught Gulf shrimp that are frozen. I break the bags up
>> into smaller packages and seal them in the Zip Lock bags with the little
>> pump. We always have shrimp in the freezer. They are a versatile and
>> healthy protein and lend themselves to quick meals.
>> --
>> Janet Wilder
> Same here. Living near the gulf coast has it's advantages.
When I was working in Corpus Christi, TX there were a couple of guys
from Joliet, Illinois who had hired on at the same company. One of them
drove his van home every few months to see his elderly parents. He would
buy fresh shrimp off the boat, cheap, load them into ice chests in his
van and head off. He told me he could get $7.00 a lb for medium shrimp
at the restaurants in Joliet and would routinely sell four or five
hundred lbs there. A couple of hundred lbs would go to his family to
consume. Paid for his trip, food on the trip, plus cash in the pocket.
This was in 1979-1980 and gasoline was pretty expensive then too, not as
high as today but still well over a buck a gallon IIRC. I thought he was
pretty smart to think of that.