On Feb 21, 11:23*am, Sqwertz > wrote:
> I've seen references to it being skirt steak, hanger steak, flank,
> and even brisket. *Part of the problem is that probably because
> today's meat cutters are pretty clueless and would rather outright
> lie to customers than admit they don't know or offer to find out.
> I take it plate is a combination of several more popular cuts.
> Which ones?
> I lost my copy of NAMP and IMPS doesn't have a 140. *Anybody with
> NAMP care to enlighten me with the common names (not muscle names)?
> I know it's between the brisket and foreshank - that much most sites
> agree on. *And probably includes the outside skirt (for that matter,
> what do inside and outside skirts refer to - the inside and the
> outside of the plate?)
> -sw
Here's a diagram