In article >,
George Shirley > wrote:
> When I was working in Corpus Christi, TX there were a couple of guys
> from Joliet, Illinois who had hired on at the same company. One of them
> drove his van home every few months to see his elderly parents. He would
> buy fresh shrimp off the boat, cheap, load them into ice chests in his
> van and head off. He told me he could get $7.00 a lb for medium shrimp
> at the restaurants in Joliet and would routinely sell four or five
> hundred lbs there. A couple of hundred lbs would go to his family to
> consume. Paid for his trip, food on the trip, plus cash in the pocket.
> This was in 1979-1980 and gasoline was pretty expensive then too, not as
> high as today but still well over a buck a gallon IIRC. I thought he was
> pretty smart to think of that.
Smart man indeed. :-)
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
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