Dinner tonight, Mon22Feb
Chicken thigh fillets fried to a nice golden brown in the frypan till about
3/4 done, then removed from heat and a cup of Bubbly added to pan to
deglaze and use as a sauce base. Reduced a bit, then added cream, and a
handful of chopped Italian parsley.
Served with carrot fingers, lightly steamed and then tossed with toasted
sesame seeds and a tablespoon of local organic honey. Also a mash made with
steamed spuds with fresh garlic, cream added to the mash, along with some
chopped rocket and Kale.
Lastly, a couple of small wedges of sugarloaf cabbage, very lightly
It got a score of 8.75.
I think she's been watching too much of the 'Limpicks!!