"Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote in message
> After running all over southern California...okay, all over Orange
> County, I have now looked at just about everything that's available in
> a French door, stainless (or stainless-like) refrigerators. I
> discounted units with through-the-door water and ice dispensers,
> mainly b/c my experience with them has not been positive and they take
> up way, way too much refrigerator door space. I also had a very
> subjective door-closing "test," as I found most of the Whirlpool
> umbrella units had one or both doors that didn't close well. This
> would start out as a minor irritant and segue into a major irritation,
> I suspect. I also wanted a refrigerator that was "Energy Star
> compliant." Taking all this into consideration plus shelf and drawer
> design, we settled on a Samsung:
> http://www.number1direct.com/product.jhtm?id=81749
> Bill found the unit I liked online and they offer free shipping and no
> sales tax (in this part of SoCal, sales tax is a whopping 8%). We're
> paying an extra $90 to have it brought into the house, uncrated and
> installed, so what we saved on the sales tax got pretty much eaten up
> by the delivery, but most of the stores I visited charge $75 - 125 to
> deliver, uncrarte and install. Also, the cheapest price I found for
> this same unit was at The Great Indoors and was $1,449. Some of the
> reviews on this refrigerator complained that it was noisy when making
> ice, so we'll see if that's a problem. Can't insulate yourself against
> every vagary, but I did the best I could. And I thank everyone who
> contributed to the original thread. Many comments were very helpful.
> I am going to be thrilled to send my current refrigerator to the Happy
> Cooking Grounds! Damned thing even has rust forming around the
> through-the-door ice dispenser, which hasn't worked in 2 years. Just
> drips from errant ice cubes that fall into the spout from the freezer.
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
> ---
Hi Terry,
The layout of that model is almost exactly like the Kenmore model we picked
3 years ago when we re-did our kitchen. It is extremely flexible and holds a
ton of food.
We've been very happy with it in general, however, does have door closing
issues which have driven me crazy since we had it. I've learned to
compensate, but still get halfway up the steps and hear that annoying
triple beep which means I've not closed it correctly once again. You're
right to look for a model which assures good closing every time. Fridge
doors should close themselves.
Our model does have an icemaker inside the freezer which is fine. We also
have a water dispenser in the door, but it is very shallow, just a ledge to
rest the edge of the glass on, and doesn't take up any inside room that I
can see. It is also now superfluous, since we have added a filtered water
faucet on the sink.