sf wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Feb 2010 21:44:23 +0000 (UTC), wrote:
>> When I was a teen in New Jersey the drinking age was 21 there, but 18
>> in New York. Same as you, just on the southern border.
>> There is a lake called Greenwood Lake that straddles the border
>> between NY and NJ. The whole northern shore of that lake was
>> lined with bars and clubs. When the drinking age in NJ went down
>> to 18 those bars and clubs all folded up. Of course, now the age
>> is the same in both states.
> I don't think legal drinking age matters. Under aged drinkers can get
> their hands on booze, even be served in bars if they pursue it enough.
It was pretty easy to get served in Niagara Falls NY when the drinking
age was 18 there. I used to go quite regularly from the time I was 15.
Those bars got busted once in a while and would be shut down for a week
or two, but then they would re-open and it was business as usual. My
brother (an ex-cop) was quite convinced that the cops were taking
bribes. He was in a bar there when a cop came in, had a beer and
accepted a handful of cash.
I got into a few bars here when I was 18 and the limit was 21, but I was
a big kid and looked older.