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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Default Music to cook by

In article >, PLucas1 said...
:Omelet > wrote in newsmpomelet-2C90F9.06430923022010
:> In article
:> >,
:> Chemo the Clown > wrote:
:> I have about 2 hours of music by 2002 in I-tunes. :-)
:Back when I was a young Digger returning to home after a
:deployment/exercise, I used to ensconce myself in the kitchen and bake
:bread/buns/scrolls/Boston buns/rolls....... whatever........ until I ran
ut of flour. Neighbours used to drop off 5kg bags of flour for me........
:because they all used to sit out in the yard and have a (quiet) party...
:whilst I worked off my 'angst'.
:And then reap the benefit of all the fresh baked produce.
:I used to have the Fureys playing........
:One of my favourites.
:and another.....
:They're all my favourites.

That figures. Bland...

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