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Default Horrors: Crockpot Pulled Pork??

On Feb 21, 4:08*pm, piedmont > wrote:

> Why not roast in oven?

Yup. Put the rub on, put it in a roasting pan, and render that bad
boy out at about 250F.

The last 1/2 hour, 45 minutes, crank it up to about 400 to get a bit
of faux bark.

Bad weather should never keep you away from good pig.

OTOH, I use my WSM in cold wet weather, rain, blowing rain, etc. The
only thing I need is a place to start the chminey. If your WSM is
well used, it will have enough baked on insulation inside to let you
get it regulated with no problems.

About three weeks ago I did a brisket in 40 degree weather with off
and on blowing rain (it was only sprinkling when I started). I
started the chimney on the front porch, and walked it around the house
to the back when it was going.

Poured on the coals, put in the mid section, and let it catch. When
it was going, put the sand/pan in, one rack, brisket, and lid.

The only difference was that it took longer to cook, about an hour a
pound at 250F after it got to temps.

The WSM will take care of you if you know how to use it.
