Thread: Pea Soup
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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default Pea Soup

sf wrote:
> Doug Freyburger > wrote:
>> I have a couple of containers of split pea soup in the freezer and one
>> in the fridge right now. Why make a small batch? ;^)

I just finished some split pea soup for lunch.

> Why make a batch so big you have to freeze it, when making it is so
> brain dead easy?

Different house, different limits. My wife does most of the shopping
and she's not impressed with legumes. Thus legumes are the limiting
factor for making split pea soup at my place. Or any bean or lentil
recipe. When I buy the legumes there's enough to make a big batch.

Bogbrush seems to have limited pork available. Different house,
different limits. We always seem to have bacon in the fridge. Often
even some leftover cooked bacon. Bacon works great in split pea soup.
It's just that this time there was ham available.