In article > ,
"Jerry Sauk" > wrote:
> > > At least soda has flavar to it.
> >
> > No I'm not kidding you. Good water (not tap water) is delicious.
> > Soda tastes like sugar. Too much of it.
> >
> > Don't be surprised if you end up a Diabetic by the time you are 40...
> >
> > You will _have_ to give up that sugary syrup crap then, or die!
> >
> Fine if I die, im not giving up soda. When I die, and I WILL die, everybody
> does, when I die, it will be on MY OWN term's, not my doctar's.
> And I hate to brake this to you but... tap water tastes like.... WATER.
<snork> Whatever...
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
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