"Bigbazza" .> wrote in news:7up2maFm0eU1
> At times there appear to be many different ways to 'Peel' a hard boiled
> egg...I have my own way that sometimes works and at others, I
> I was on Youtube a few mins ago, I was checking out 'Wine Aerators' but
> chanced upon this method shown on this 1 min video..... Has anyone tried
> this here?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN2gYHJNT3Y&feature=fvw
Oh man!! I've gotta try that!!! :-)
BTW, whaddaya need a wine aerator for (besides blowing bubbles in your
wine, that is)?
What first springs to mind is that you've got some really big old wines
there that need a couple hours 'breathing', and you want to cheat. I've
heard the aerators only take a couple of mins to do the same job :-)
If that's the case, save them till May..... I'll be down in Sidiknee for a
week and I'll help you see if the aerators work ;-P
Peter Lucas
Killfile all Google Groups posters.........