Pls recommend easy-to-clean kitchen gadgets
On Thu, 25 Feb 2010 19:57:57 -0700, "gloria.p" >
> spamtrap1888 wrote:
> >
> >
> > Any recommendations for either a slicer or a spinner? The slicer has
> > to cut a rare beef roast paper thin.
> 1. A good knife.
> 2. I know people who "spin" their salad greens in a clean white pillow
> case whirled around overhead. It works. I'd rather wash the spinner.
and washing a spinner is just rinsing it under running water, so I
fail to understand what's so hard about it. My slicer is a bazillion
years old and doesn't fold, but it's not very hard to clean. What POV
would your expect from someone who thinks it's hard to clean a simple
*salad spinner*?
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.