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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default Seduced by pots and pans

sf replied to cyber****:

>> They were not expensive, but they have just enough weight and beautiful
>> lines. The bottoms are thick aluminum plated anodyzed steel, sides
>> aluminum very highly polished, tops heavyish glass.

> They look very nice... They're anodized "steel" (really?) on the
> interior?

Another fine product from CHINA! Probably impregnated with cadmium or some
other industrial waste product, but so what? What's the worst that could
happen, it could kill cyber**** or render it barren?

The bottoms are almost certainly steel-plated aluminum rather than
aluminum-plated steel. Aluminum-plated steel would be stupid in a cooking
vessel, and it would be equally stupid to "anodyze" [sic] steel for just
about any conceivable purpose. Cyber****'s just ignorant, and in its haste
to brag it spouted off a bunch of bullshit.
