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piedmont piedmont is offline
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Posts: 117
Default Cast Iron skillets

On 2/26/2010 10:22 AM, Stu wrote:
> So I'm debating about buying a cast iron skillet circa 1880 from a
> fellow in ontario (my first). I didn't get my hands on my mothers two
> when she passed on, actually I don't know where they went .... maybe
> Sis is holding out .
> Seriously though, do you use them yourself, anyone got one forsale
> that they don't use anymore? I'm looking for a griswold or erie circa
> 1920 in good cond.
> --
> Stu

I hate them, too heavy and too difficult to maintain! And IMHO only good
for frying, period, too much trouble to keep the surface in shape, did I
say I hate them and they are too heavy. I have a set that I'm going to
put on Ebay. You can get a new one for $15.00

If your determined on getting one there is absolutely no reason to get
an old one, just take the time to coat and cure 3-4 times before using
and never ever use soapy water on it and never wash with Hot water, only
luke warm, and make sure it is thoroughly dried after cleaning and you
may need to recoat if used for other than frying a food in oil.

regards, mike
piedmont, The Practical BBQ'r