Pls recommend easy-to-clean kitchen gadgets
On Feb 25, 8:37*pm, spamtrap1888 > wrote:
> After making Chicago-style Italian beef this week, I reflected on how
> annoying it was to clean all the beef bits out of all the nooks and
> crannies of the folding electric slicer. This one is a Toastmaster,
> but the one it replaced was also a pain to clean. I like it because it
> folds up fairly compactly when not in use, and the circular blade is
> protected.
> .
> Which reminds me how much of a pain it is to clean our salad spinner.
> It's a basket in an outer shell, with a perforated lid and then tthe
> top lid and crank mechanism. That's a lot of stuff to wash by hand
> everytime you make salad, which is usually every day or two around
> here, and the pieces take up a lot of room in the dish drainer. And I
> worry about crud buildup inside the slots that the water goes through.
> Any recommendations for either a slicer or a spinner? The slicer has
> to cut a rare beef roast paper thin.
I have a $4 Walmart salad spinner that totally comes apart - I can't
imagine one that requires more than a rinse in hot water.