OT Dangerous
Food SnobŪ wrote:
> On Feb 25, 3:26 pm, "Steve B" > wrote:
>> "George Leppla" > wrote
>>> Like you say... it is punk rock. Hard to tell if you are on pitch or not.
>>> George L
>> It has been my experience in life that people who do not sing well sing
>> L-O-U-D!
> When people sing loudLY (adverb modifying "sing"), you can hear that
> they do not sing well. More likely, folks who do not sing well sing
> more softly.
People who sing well usually sing from the diaphragm, and that helps to
sing loudly and in tune.
You have probably noticed that stupid people seem to speak loudly. Ever
notice that when you are in a public place there is usually some doofus
who can be heard above everyone else.