On Feb 26, 5:42*am, PLucas1 >
> piedmont > wrote :
> > On 2/25/2010 6:31 PM, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> >> I was about to slip the pizza onto the rack to bake when the cardboard
> >> (cough) gave way and the pizza landed on the oven floor. *S**T! *I
> >> almost got it onto the peel but the open oven door wouldn't let me get
> >> the peel horizontal enough without burning me hand and fingies. *Dang!
> >> What to do? *What to do . . . . *I used my tongs to grab and pull the
> >> pizza towards me and onto the peel. * Whew! *Disaster averted!
> >> Only three wee gobs of sausage and a now-incinerated piece of mozz hit
> >> the oven floor.
> >> LOL!! * *I'll pay closer attention when I stick Himself's pizza in the
> >> oven in about 10 minutes. *I'll probably even put it on the peel and use
> >> *that* to slide it in.
> > LOL! Great mind image! If your oven was clean *
*maybe it would have
> > cooked where it was! *he, he.
> I'm trying to picture *how* it can slip off some cardboard, onto the oven
> floor. Wouldn't it had to have slid between the racks??
> Or maybe it was the kitchen floor??
> Either way....... it sounds like it's time Barb bought herself a pizza
> stone!!
> http://www.amazon.com/Old-Stone-Oven.../dp/B0000E1FDA
> It's only a 'thin' one, but don't tell anyone!!!
> --
> Peter Lucas
> Brisbane
> Australia
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