Seduced by pots and pans
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I am Tosk[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 160
Seduced by pots and pans
In article >,
> Like most kitchen toys, you will love a food processor when you first
> get one. I used mine a lot for about 6 months or so but it was such a
> pain to clean, I finally fell out of love with it. It's been in it's
> box in the pantry now for about the past 5 or 6 years. I'm thinking of
> giving it to my sister.
> A good sharp knife and a good box grater (that I use enough, the grater
> is actually stored on the back of the stove) work very quickly unless
> you are prepping a huge amount of food.
> I cook for two.
> If you are good with either one, the results are nearly as fast. ;-)
> But, enjoy the toy!
I throw the bowl and blades into the dishwasher. Couldn't be easier. I buy most
appliances with the dishwasher in mind. The deep fryer I bought goes in there
Can I haz Cheezeburger?
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I am Tosk[_2_]
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