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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Tastada (Childhood memories)

In article >,
piedmont > wrote:

> A childhood favorite of mine was the Tastada! It has been years since
> making so haven't worked out exact quantities. It was made in one of
> those large oval roasting pans.
> Ground beef (1-2 LB)cooked with (as much as you want) onion, add (1-2
> can) pinto beans, add (enough to cover all) tomato sauce, add 1 small
> can chopped/drained jalapeno, season with salt, black pepper, onion
> powder and garlic powder.
> Fry in oil each corn tortilla until golden brown,
> Add a base of thin sliced lettuce, chopped fresh tomato, grated cheddar
> cheese, Tastada sauce, then top with more cheese.
> The taste of cold, crunchy lettuce, the Velveta melting around my
> tongue, the sweat of my forehead from the heat of the jalapeno! WOW!
> (We used Velveta but that is probably what contributed to my quad bypass
> along with the spam! lol)

We spelled it a bit differently, "Tostada" and imho grated cheddar or
monterey jack cheese are better on them than Velveeta. :-)

This is a tasty dish and can actually be made low fat...

It's a glorified salad.

Don't forget the sour cream and guacamole.
Peace! Om

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