In article >,
"Felice" > wrote:
> "sf" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 13:24:52 -0500, "Felice" >
> > wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Tim Ferris has better lungs than I have. I tried it on three eggs and got
> >> nowhere but red in the face. Besides, once you get the bits off the top
> >> and
> >> bottom (assuming you've cooked them MY way) * it's no BFD to just remove
> >> the
> >> rest of the peel.
> >>
> >> * Well, Cooks Illustrated and I. Bring to boil, let sit covered for 10
> >> minutes, toss into ice-and-water bath for 5 minutes, and peel. Works
> >> every
> >> time.
> > Yeah, but your way isn't a party trick. Did you put the baking soda
> > in the way he said?
> Oh shit, You mean I have to do another trio of eggs?
> In the way back, at Easter, I used to make pinholes in each end of a raw egg
> and then blow the insides out so I could decorate the shells. Now THAT was a
> nasty chore.
> Felice
For blowing out RAW eggs (for resale on ebay) I used a needle attached
to tubing and used a fish tank compressor. I used to sell clean blown
duck and emu eggshells. The emu eggs were blown out from a single hole
and I used a 14 gauge bone marrow needle for those. New ones that had
been discarded by our pathologist...
I still have a good supply of clean blown emu shells out in the storage
shed. I'm waiting for the price to go back up now that emus are not
longer popular so the shells are no longer as easily available to egg
artists. ;-) I also have a few Ostrich and Rhea shells.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
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