Sweet potato hash browns?
joan replied to cyber****:
>> Peeled and diced, browned with onions? Is this a bad idea?
> I just never think of sweet potatoes going with onions. I hope someone
> else can answer this.
Since onions caramelize fairly easily, I think they go well with sweet
potatoes. A couple weeks ago I made shredded-sweet-potato pancakes with
shallots, powdered California chiles, and honey-sweetened yogurt as a kind
of "drifting toward dessert" course, and that turned out quite well.
cyber****'s idea could work, though I'd take care to cut the onion into
pieces which were about the same size as the sweet potato dice; the texture
would be better that way, and the vegetables would cook at the same rate.
The greater concern would be how the dish tasted after cyber**** cooked it
over a barrel of burning garbage.