Thread: OT Dangerous
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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default OT Dangerous

In article >,
Dave Smith > wrote:

> Omelet wrote:
> >> There is a huge one living in the bush behind our house. I found his den
> >> last summer. I had seen his tracks in the nursery and talked to Farmer
> >> John. They were as big as those of my old dog Harry, but Harry was gone.
> >> Farmer John had seen this coyote and said that it is huge, probably
> >> about 100 pounds.

> >
> > Sounds like a crossbreed. Even more dangerous. Please do the world a
> > favor and shoot the damned thing.

> Farmer John saw it and he thought it was a coyote.

Wild dogs are even more dangerous than coyotes. Google for incidents
with them in the California desert.

I'm not kidding.

I used to live in an area (Mojave) where wild dog packs were a serious
problem. Abandoned dogs tend to revert to the wolf state and have little
to no fear of humans. Crossbreeding with coyotes makes the problem even
worse. If anyone boondocked in that area without a gun or a covered car,
they could run in to them with serious consequences.

Assholes seem to think that dumping their unwanted dogs out in the wild
is a good idea. They either die or revert. Survivalism at it's worst...

On the up-side, one of the most wonderful dogs I ever had was a
corgie/sheltie cross that got dumped. He was adopted briefly by a
sympathetic family before he was given to me. Great dog but had some
"issues" due to the way he'd been treated.
Peace! Om

"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein

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