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Shadow Shadow is offline
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Default A starter question

On Thu, 25 Feb 2010 12:05:58 -0800 (PST), Simon
> wrote:

>Hi there
>Probably a dumb question, but I've spent ages googling and reading
>this group and can't find an answer anywhere.
>I'm trying to grow a starter using the following method -
>1. Start with 50g flour and 50g water
>2. After 24 hours add another 50g each of flour and water
>3. After 24 hours throw half away and add another 50g each of flour
>and water
>4. Repeat 3 until the starter is ready
>I'm growing it in a cylindrical glass measuring jug. After 3-4 days I
>have a layer of pale brown liquid which has formed in the middle of
>the starter. There is evidence that it's bubbled up and it otherwise
>appears healthy (no pinkish liquids, no mould) but I'm worried about
>the liquid forming in the middle. Is this a problem? Is it because
>I'm not feeding it often enough?

I tend to use equal volumes, not equal weights, anyway, make
it very thick. If it's already bubbling, feed it as soon as it starts
"falling back" on itself, a sure sign the gluten has been eaten up,
and your lactobacilli is at max lvl.
.And wait at least 7-10 days before expecting results.