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I am Tosk[_2_] I am Tosk[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 160
Default Seduced by pots and pans

In article >,

> If I used mine like they use them on TV I would need a row of ten of
> them in the kitchen and a much larger dishwasher. It's one of the
> items that seems to stay on the counter and get used enough to stay
> there but it isn't used anything like as often as I seen them used on
> TV.
> No way it can be cleaned in time to use it for a second use. Take it
> apart and put the parts in the dishwasher. It's ready to go the next
> day for the next use.

Are you kidding me? If you need to clean it while cooking, a bit of hot water
and a soapy rag does wonders. Chop the carrots, dump them in a bowl, flip off
the top, base, and blade and rinse with hot water, if necessary a soapy rag and
dry. Now you are ready to chop your carrots in what, maybe 34 seconds tops, if
you take your time? Just don't let the thing sit dirty over night first.


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