Seduced by pots and pans
On Sat, 27 Feb 2010 09:29:41 -0600, George Leppla
> wrote:
>brooklyn1 wrote:
>> On Sat, 27 Feb 2010 02:02:10 -0600, Omelet >
>> wrote:
>>> In article >, "Jean B." >
>>> wrote:
>>>> brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>>> I see no point to a food processor... for veggies it can't do anything
>>>>> quicker AND better than I can with a knife.... I've yet to see a food
>>>>> processor that can cut veggies to my satisfation... I once had a top
>>>>> of the line 11 quart cuisinart that after trying it a few times never
>>>>> used it again... years later I tried to give it away but no one wanted
>>>>> it so I tossed it in the trash. All a food processor can do is
>>>>> *masticate* (or is that masturcate) veggies and I can actually chew
>>>>> veggies neater with my teeth. I gotta peel and prep anyway, may as
>>>>> well finish the job with the same knife in hand... if I'm gonna pay
>>>>> good money for nice veggies I don't want them all mangled into
>>>>> non-descript bits n' pieces.
>>>> Yes, that's part of the problem: the results are so uneven. I
>>>> like chopping, mincing, etc. by hand and find the results to be
>>>> much more appealing.
>>> Pretty much the same here, but still find the box grater useful for some
>>> stuff.
>> A grater is not really comparable to a knife... but I've found the box
>> grater (and other style graters) far more utile than a food processor.
>> The factory type food processing equipment used say at a cannery work
>> well but the type found in home kitchens are just toys r us gizmos for
>> the folks who can't wield a knife and/or don't care what kind of slop
>> they prepare. The food processor is in exactly the same catagory as
>> the electric knife.
>> When I tried to slice cucumbers with a food prosessor for cuke salad I
>> ended up with all sorts of twisted shapes and hardly any neat
>> slices...
>Blades aren't sharp enough.
>>most of the cuke was wasted... I can slice cukes by the
>> dozen perfectly with my box grater with little effort and in less than
>> 30 seconds a cuke...
>That is the problem with food processors... they are too much of a PITA
>to clean if you use them for small jobs. It is easier to slice/dice by
>hand in smaller quantities.
>We have a mini food processor that comes in handy fairly often for
>dicing onions, green peppers etc... and it is great to mince a lot of
Home type food processors neither dice or mince regardless of size...
they all mangle. If you gotta peel and prep an onion to size to fit
the processsor may as well finish the job with the knife, and actually
end up with dice. If what I wanted was a bushel of mangled veggies I
would run them through my meat grinder.