dsi1 wrote:
> I think that MSG's bad press has it's start in an article that appeared
> in Reader's Digest in the 60's. Mostly it was about research into the so
> called "Chinese restaurant" syndrome. The piece stated that only a small
> number of people show any ill effects of MSG. That small detail didn't
> matter much as it was all downhill for MSG in the US after that article.
> Since then, there has been little interest in pursuing any scientific
> research into the ill effects of MSG. My guess is that it's because it
> is seen more as a problem of people's fears and perceptions rather than
> a public health issue.
And because certain people continue flogging it
through the years as their schtick to get on Oprah,
The 700 Club, etc. and sell their books.
Get my book What Oprah Doesn't Want You To Know,
and you'll find out the real story! :-)