Serene Vannoy wrote:
> Sky wrote:
> > Does anyone else subscribe to the Bon Appetit magazine? On the cover of
> > the March 2010 issue, there's a blurb about "one-dish dinners" (top left
> > under the magazine title) and the fourth dish listed is 'chicken
> > curry.' Danged if I can find anywhere in this issue the recipe for
> > their chicken curry! Is it just me, or did Bon Appetit neglect to
> > include the mentioned recipe? I've looked throughout the magazine and
> > its listing of recipes, but I cannot find any fowl recipe for curry!
> > Maybe the magazine will include it with their next issue or the one
> > after that !?
> They don't list it on their "In the magazine" section, either:
Yeah, I looked at their website too, and no recipe was included for
"chicken curry" as shown on the cover of its March 2010 issue! Just
when I wanted to try a chicken curry recipe, too! <G> I do know there
are many recipes for chicken curry "out there", but this one piqued my
intereste when I saw it listed and dang it, it wasn't included
regardless of what printed was on the magazine's cover!
Sky, who knows this is but a trivial matter in the Grand Scheme of
Things ..... <G>
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