Thread: MSG
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J. Clarke J. Clarke is offline
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Default MSG

On 2/27/2010 7:58 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On 2/27/2010 2:23 PM, Mark Thorson wrote:
>> dsi1 wrote:
>>> I think that MSG's bad press has it's start in an article that appeared
>>> in Reader's Digest in the 60's. Mostly it was about research into the so
>>> called "Chinese restaurant" syndrome. The piece stated that only a small
>>> number of people show any ill effects of MSG. That small detail didn't
>>> matter much as it was all downhill for MSG in the US after that article.
>>> Since then, there has been little interest in pursuing any scientific
>>> research into the ill effects of MSG. My guess is that it's because it
>>> is seen more as a problem of people's fears and perceptions rather than
>>> a public health issue.

>> And because certain people continue flogging it
>> through the years as their schtick to get on Oprah,
>> The 700 Club, etc. and sell their books.
>> Get my book What Oprah Doesn't Want You To Know,
>> and you'll find out the real story! :-)

> Young folks will have a hard time understanding that Reader's Digest was
> a mag of no small importance back then. OTOH, they did a piece on the
> disintegration of American values and morals in movies like George
> Romero's "Night of the Living Dead" and made that flick a huge cult
> classic. If it weren't for Reader's Digest, the Zombie movie might not
> exist. It's a genre that's still going strong today - seems that it just
> refuses to die. Ha ha ha. :-)

Ralph Nader taught the American con man that truth doesn't matter, it's
how you market your lies that counts.

Then he made the mistake of trying to market a lie against a better
marketer when he tried to do the same hatchet job on the Beetle that he
did on the Corvair--what he didn't grasp was that the Corvair was just a
boring little car to most people while the Beetle was a major cultural
icon. He never recovered from that blunder.