On Feb 27, 6:00*pm, Melba's Jammin' >
> In article >,
> *Serene Vannoy > wrote:
> > Sky wrote:
> > > Does anyone else subscribe to the Bon Appetit magazine? *On the cover of
> > > the March 2010 issue, there's a blurb about "one-dish dinners" (top left
> > > under the magazine title) and the fourth dish listed is 'chicken
> > > curry.' *Danged if I can find anywhere in this issue the recipe for
> > > their chicken curry! *Is it just me, or did Bon Appetit neglect to
> > > include the mentioned recipe? *I've looked throughout the magazine and
> > > its listing of recipes, but I cannot find any fowl recipe for curry!
> > > Maybe the magazine will include it with their next issue or the one
> > > after that !?
> > They don't list it on their "In the magazine" section, either:
> >http://www.bonappetit.com/recipes/sl...e_dish_dinners...
> > w
> > Serene
> Does the spice mixture resemble "curry"? * :-) *
> From Serene's link above.
> Country Captain with Cauliflower and Peas
> * * *1 1/2 teaspoons coriander seeds
> * * *1 teaspoon fennel seeds
> * * *1 teaspoon cumin seeds
> * * *1/2 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
> * * *3 whole cloves
> * * *1/4 teaspoon cardamom seeds (from 3 whole green cardamom pods)
> * * *1 1/2-inch piece cinnamon stick
> * * *1/2 teaspoon turmeric
> * * *1/4 teaspoon (scant) cayenne pepper
Yep. Cumin, coriander, and cardamom are the tipoff, as they are holy
trinity of curry spices. All of the others are typical except for the
Very few curries are called curry. Chicken vindaloo, for example. I
just made Chicken Dopiaza (chop onions, saute half, and stew the other