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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Seduced by pots and pans

In article >,
brooklyn1 > wrote:

> >When I drag the grinder out, it's for a large project!

> Drag, what's to drag... that little thingie weighs what, like 6
> pounds.... and the business part that actually grinds will practically
> fit in your pocket, it's only a small housing and four small parts to
> clean, you don't wash the motor. I use my grinder for small jobs all
> the time. The grinder is the least of the cleaning compared with the
> things used for preparing what you grind, like the knife, cutting
> board, and bowl(s), like the cookware, stirrers, dishes, eating
> utensils, and what about cleaning the stove. All kitchen work
> requires cleaning, a grinder is easier to clean than most kitchen
> appliances... a quick swishin hot soapy water in the prep bowl needs
> cleaning anyway, then a quick rinse.... takes all of 3 minutes to
> clean a grinder and no scrubbing. I hate to clean the toaster and the
> coffee mill, that's messy.

To each his own...
Peace! Om

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