Thread: MSG
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Ophelia[_7_] Ophelia[_7_] is offline
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Default MSG

"J. Clarke" > wrote in message
> On 2/28/2010 11:48 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "dsi1" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>>> So? A pinch of MSG to half a pinch of salt?
>>> Good question. I don't know. My suggestion is that you season your
>>> food the way you normally do except add a little less salt with some
>>> MSG until you get a feel for the proportions. I cook for my
>>> mother-in-law and keep the salt levels down as she finds most food too
>>> salty - probably because she's in a constant state of dehydration.

>> I havent' been able to find any yet, but I am looking. I think I might
>> try a chinese shop when I can find one.
>>> You should start with a small pinch first rather than a big pinch. I
>>> keep an open 1 lb bag of Ajinomoto all the time in the little cabinet
>>> by the stove. The stuff is non-hygroscopic and will not cake-up even
>>> in this humid environment.

>> Is that MSG?

> Ajinomoto is the original commercial preparation of MSG, which first
> appeared in Japan. While it's packaged in shaker bottles good luck
> finding one--the smallest packaging that seems to be readily available in
> the US is the 1 pound bag. Ac'cent Flavor Enhancer is also pure MSG.
> Note that you can buy Ajinomoto direct off of Amazon--Ajinomoto has a
> store there--but you'll get the wholesale packaging, which means six
> shaker bottles or 12 one pound bags.

Thank you I am in UK so will have to search for these! Your explanation
will be very helpful!
