Seduced by pots and pans
brooklyn1 wrote:
> I see no point to a food processor... for veggies it can't do anything
> quicker AND better than I can with a knife.... I've yet to see a food
> processor that can cut veggies to my satisfation... I once had a top
> of the line 11 quart cuisinart that after trying it a few times never
> used it again... years later I tried to give it away but no one wanted
> it so I tossed it in the trash. All a food processor can do is
> *masticate* (or is that masturcate) veggies and I can actually chew
> veggies neater with my teeth. I gotta peel and prep anyway, may as
> well finish the job with the same knife in hand... if I'm gonna pay
> good money for nice veggies I don't want them all mangled into
> non-descript bits n' pieces.
My mini food processor does a good job of mincing garlic and cutting up
nuts, onions and peppers. I gave my old Cuisinart to a friend and I
replaced it with the latest model. The new one has so many anti-dumbass
safety devices on it, that it is too much trouble to use. It is fine
for other uses like making bread, pie crust, etc., but not for
vegetables. I should have kept my old one.