Canned white beans
Christine Dabney > wrote:
>On Sun, 28 Feb 2010 14:31:08 -0800, sf > wrote:
>>A classic bean from Peru, the Mayacoba is also known as Canario or
>>Peruano. It's a small but meaty thin-skinned bean that will take on
>>all the flavors you can throw at it but still hold its shape. Great as
>>a substitute for Cannellini or great Northern beans but unique in its
>>own right.
>In Albuquerque, those are sold in bulk in the Mexican megamart.
>Maybe you could find those somewhere in the Mission markets..if you
>ever go there..
I just checked on Phipps Ranch's website and they do not have
this bean.
Tangentially, they do consider Great Northern, Eastern Cannellini,
and Cannellini (Italian Butter Bean) to be three distinct varieties
of bean.