Seduced by pots and pans
On Sun, 28 Feb 2010 17:19:57 -0600, Becca > wrote:
> I gave my old Cuisinart to a friend and I
> replaced it with the latest model. The new one has so many anti-dumbass
> safety devices on it, that it is too much trouble to use. It is fine
> for other uses like making bread, pie crust, etc., but not for
> vegetables. I should have kept my old one.
I don't have a new one, but I find it hard also. I've been noticing
the food processor on foodtv that has the long/tall tube in the center
(where the blade goes) so dough and liquids don't go all over the
place. Do you have any clue what brand that one is?
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.