On Mon, 01 Mar 2010 10:26:59 -0600, Becca > wrote:
> Steve Pope wrote:
> > Yes, butter beans are AFAIK lima beans.
> >
> > From the text and photo on the above link, "Italian Butter Beans" do
> > not resemble lima beans. In the photo, they look sorta like
> > Gigandes beans.
> >
> > On the Phipps page, Gigandes and Italian Butter Beans
> > look nearly identical in size and appearance, whereas Eastern
> > Cannellinis are smaller and Great Northerns, yet smaller.
> >
> > Whereas the Florida Speckled Butter Bean is listed as a type
> > of lima bean.
> >
> > Steve
> >
> Green lima beans are not my favorite, but I do like butter beans. The
> butter beans I eat look like this, they are about an inch long and they
> do not taste like lima beans to me. If they do, then I will give lima
> beans another try.
> http://comps.fotosearch.com/comp/FDC...ns_~920907.jpg
Is that a picture of an Italian butter bean? When I ask here what
they mean when they talk about butter beans, someone will say "lima".
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.