Favorite appetizers from the Mediterranean shores?
Tracy wrote:
> Jean B. wrote:
>> James Silverton wrote:
>>> Jean wrote on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 11:45:09 -0500:
>>>> blake murphy wrote:
>>>>> i really like taramasalata:
>>>>> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taramosalata>
>>>>> your pal,
>>>>> blake
>>>> Mmmmmm. BTW, I like them served with the Asian shrimp chips.
>>>> Unorthodox, but...
>>> Now you've done it with your shrimp chips :-) Taramosalata from cod
>>> or carp might well be kosher even if real caviar is not. (I like to
>>> remind people of rules that I have no regard for!)
>> Some may find those reminders useful. Hmmm. I may have to get some
>> shrimp chips myself--and check on whether I need to go to the Middle
>> Eastern stores in the very near future. (Watertown, of course, Tracy.)
> :-)
> I need to go myself. I need semolina for couscous.
> -Tracy
Very useful destination. Hmmm. I am reminded of the bakery in
the square, which I STILL haven't tried. Hmmm. I wonder whether
my daughter would deign to go to Deluxe Diner, which she claims to
Jean B.
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