On 3/1/2010 9:26 AM, phaeton wrote:
> Some people tell me that it's impossible, but I can actually taste
> MSG. As in, if I eat something I can tell right away if it has MSG in
> it.
I'm sure you can. I'm sure that cooks that use the stuff can recognize
it pretty much off the bat. If not, they shouldn't be messing with it.
> Well maybe I don't actually taste it, but I think i recognize the
> endorphin release it causes. I don't think that MSG is dangerous per
> se, but I can see how it can be habit-forming in some people as a
> result.
You could have something there. Good theory.
> I learned this from a Chinese Fast Food type place in a mall I used to
> live sort of near. I would go there quite a bit, and after awhile I
> would begin to crave their teriyaki sauce. I mean *crave* it in the
> sense that I would find myself driving the 40 minutes or so to go
> there even when I wasn't hungry.
Bad state to be in - hooked on Chinese teri-sauce. Sounds like they're
using THC, not MSG. :-)
> -J