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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default MSG

On Mon, 01 Mar 2010 02:03:53 -0500, J. Clarke wrote:

> On 3/1/2010 1:30 AM, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> J. Clarke wrote:
>>> I'm surprised that Algore isn't stamping his foot about it since his
>>> his global warming scam went bust.

>> It *did*? Is he no longer a multi-millionaire? Are "carbon footprint"
>> and "green" no longer buzzwords?
>> I'm so behind the times!

> Oh, he's still got his money, but if he keeps pushing the global warming
> crap he'll run out eventually. And "carbon footprint" is a good jokeword.

complete bullshit.

´I have advocated policies to promote renewable energy and accelerate
reductions in global warming pollution for decades, including all of the
time I was in public service,¡ Mr. Gore wrote. ´As a private citizen, I
have continued to advocate the same policies. Even though the vast majority
of my business career has been in areas that do not involve renewable
energy or global warming pollution reductions, I absolutely believe in
investing in ways that are consistent with my values and beliefs. I
encourage others to invest in the same way.¡

Mr. Gore has invested a significant portion of the tens of millions of
dollars he has earned since leaving government in 2001 in a broad array of
environmentally friendly energy and technology business ventures, like
carbon trading markets, solar cells and waterless urinals.

He has also given away millions more to finance the nonprofit he founded,
the Alliance for Climate Protection, and to another group, the Climate
Project, which trains people to present the slide show that was the basis
of his documentary ´An Inconvenient Truth.¡ Royalties from his new book on
climate change, ´Our Choice,¡ printed on 100 percent recycled paper, will
go to the alliance, an aide said.


....but do continue to spout right-wing talking points if you wish to look
like an idiot.
