On Mon, 1 Mar 2010 00:52:01 -0800, "Bob Terwilliger"
> wrote:
>Steve Pope wrote:
>> So.. what is your opinion on the, um, fenugreek controversy? Does
>> or does not toasting or heating fenugreek create an unusually
>> lingering odor (which I find pleasant, but some do not)??
>I recently had occasion to heat fenugreek, and while the odor was fairly
>long-lasting, it wasn't NEARLY as pungent or as long-lasting or as
>insinuate-itself-into-every-crevice-in-the-kitchen as asafetida (a.k.a.
>hing). I won't even bring asafetida into the house anymore.
LOL. I had a recipe that called for asafetida. I looked and looked for
it in our ethnic markets and couldn't find it. Man was I lucky, after
reading about it's pungency I consider myself very fortunate.
There is no love more sincere than the love of food
George Bernard Shaw
updated 02/20/10