Michel Boucher > wrote in
> Nancy2 > wrote in news:b958955c-5d4a-4423-a57a-
> :
>> She has such an affected
>> manner, it's a real turnoff.
> How do you know it's affected? Is it the fact that she strikes all men
> as a goddess?
Hang on a minute.......... please dont presume to speak for *all* men.
> But of the green monster lurking behind that sideswipe?
> :-)
> I assure you, it's not affected, it's upper class British, something you
> are obviously in short acquaintance with. Her father was Chancellor of
> the Exchequer (equiv., Minister of Finance) for the UK, she was educated
> at Oxford. Should she behave like a chav just to please the easily
> disgruntled? Of course not. She may not behave in exactly the same
> fashion in private, but that is none of your bidness.
Big biddy deal!!
She may have been born with a silver spoon in her mouth (and it looks like
she kept it constantly full!!) ....... but that is neither here nor there.
I got bored of her pretty quick because of the filming technique she uses,
and the crap food she cooks.
> FWIW, I play wargames
I would *never* have guessed!!
> with a fellow who is a professor of classics at
> the university here and he speaks with a full-on Oxford accent. It
> never occurred to me that he was affected in any way. Perhaps I should
> ask him. Can I give him your e-mail if he has any questions?
I used to be an (Military) instructor at the University of Queensland,
trying to teach highly educated university students how to be soldiers.
Notice I said "trying".
I've noticed one thing about 'university people'..... they may be highly
intelligent', but in the real world they are as dumb as dogshit.
Most wouldn't have 1oz of common sense between them.
Case in point........ our Prime Minister.
I've spent many hours in his office talking over certain issues (usually
concerning ex-service personnel) and whilst he can speak Mandarin and
sound rather educated, he's as dumb as dogshit.
Now, go back to playing with your toy soldiers.
Peter Lucas
Killfile all Google Groups posters.........