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Jen P. Jen P. is offline
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Posts: 106
Default Meat with chocolate

Jeßus wrote:
> Interested to hear what (if any) experiences you may have had combining
> chocolate with meat - and if so, recommend any particular dishes?

I see someone's already mentioned mole, but I just thought I'd chime in
there, too! It's not too difficult to make, provided you go with a
simple type like mole coloradito or mole rojo. I made some a couple of
months ago and was really pleased with the results! I didn't have the
right chiles for either a proper coloradito or a proper rojo, but I had
the right ones to make a combo... so I did that! It still tasted better
than any jarred sort I've ever eaten. I used to think I didn't like the
stuff. heh.

Hm... not sure this will work, but I posted some photos to my Facebook


It's private, but apparently that link should allow it to be seen by
anyone. The mole pictures are the last 6. The whole process did take
about 3 hours, but it made enough mole paste to make 5 or 6 meals for
two people. I've frozen the paste in serving-sized portions, so it's an
easy matter of making up the sauce now. Happy to share my mish-mash
recipe, if anyone's interested.
