Thread: Dillemma
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Posted to,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,rec.birds
pavane[_3_] pavane[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 941
Default Dillemma

<dh@.> wrote in message news | On Mon, 1 Mar 2010 12:01:24 -0800 (PST), PLucas1
| > wrote:
| >This morning my cat attacked a duck, the wing had been destroyed, I
| >believed the duck was dead. so I put it in a plastic bag.
| >Later in the morning my neighbour went to put it in the bin!
| >
| >Unfortunately it was alive. He screamed out to me.
| >I (deep breath) tried to wring it's neck, didn't work, so I hit it's
| >neck with a spade the sand was too soft. Finally on the paving it was
| >over. I can't stop crying. I just wish I could have done a quick job.
| >What's the quickest way to humanely do this?
| A hatchet is probably your best bet. We always had good luck
| killing chickens with them. Best to do it on something made of
| wood.

But that's the whole point...the duck is made of duck, not wood.
If the duck were made of wood, Petey probably wouldn't have
cried nearly as much.
