partlyOT--- Landlord woes
On Mar 3, 12:13*pm, PLucas1 > wrote:
> Me and my partner rent a flat, and we have started to have problems..
> The landlord came in our flat, and told us we were not allowed to put
> up a smoke detector.. I Called the fire station, and nothing more was
> said for almost 3 days.. Last week, my partner hung a night light
> outside.. Today the landlord calls him, and Yells at him "WHAT DO YOU
> MEAN PUTTING HOLES IN MY WALLS" and demanded the light, AND the fire
> alarm come down.. We would move, but we are in lease, Its getting
> rediculous.. there are laws for detectors. What are our options? Can
> we get her for harassment?? My partner just called me crying.. Im at
> my mothers, I didnt hear the actual call..
> --
> Peter Lucas
> Brisbane
> Australia
First off...It's "My partner and I". If you and your partner did not
live in a flat then you wouldn't have problems. Allowing your partner
to hang out a night light was a big mistake, especially if he/she
didn't talk to you first about it. Suggestion: get rid of the partner.
Also, you're asking for suggestion on the WWW so just what kind of
suggestions do you think you'll get from someone in Zimbawi?? Sounds
like you also have a cry baby partner. Again, dump the sissy. You're
at your mothers and didn't hear the actual do you know
there was even a call? Maybe the cry baby partner is making it all up
just to get attention or maybe he/she's crying in joy that you're at
mommies place. Either one really cares. Buh bye!