partlyOT--- Landlord woes
On 3/3/2010 13:13, PLucas1 wrote:
> Me and my partner rent a flat, and we have started to have problems..
> The landlord came in our flat, and told us we were not allowed to put
> up a smoke detector.. I Called the fire station, and nothing more was
> said for almost 3 days.. Last week, my partner hung a night light
> outside.. Today the landlord calls him, and Yells at him "WHAT DO YOU
> MEAN PUTTING HOLES IN MY WALLS" and demanded the light, AND the fire
> alarm come down.. We would move, but we are in lease, Its getting
> rediculous.. there are laws for detectors. What are our options? Can
> we get her for harassment?? My partner just called me crying.. Im at
> my mothers, I didnt hear the actual call..
I disagree. I'd say that this is *mostly* if not entirely OT.