"Kent" > wrote in -
> "atec 77" <"atec 77 > wrote in message
> ...
>> Kent wrote:
>>> The above is an example of why we switched from being residential
>>> landlords to commercial landlords. Who owns the building? Who pays the
>>> taxes and insurance? Who pays for repairs after you move out and leave
>>> holes all over the place? We have about $25,000 in judgments due us from
>>> former tenants. Can we collect them? Good Luck!
>> you do realise you answered a troll ?
>> not Peter
> No I didn't. Thanks for pointing this out.
You have done it more than once, and it has been pointed out to you on more
than on occasion........ therefore, you're too damn stupid, or you're a sock
puppet for the trolls/stalkers.
Either way, you've just earnt yourself a holiday in my idiot bin.
See you in 100 days...... if you're still here.
Peter Lucas
Killfile all Google Groups posters.........