sf wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Mar 2010 06:35:40 -0500, "Nancy Young"
> > wrote:
>> Once upon a time, you were with Christine and took a picture of
>> cardoon for me at some farmers market. That was good for a laugh.
> That was a fun field trip. We even circled back to take the picture.
> Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression... I wasn't trying to say
> they were inedible, I said they don't *look* edible.
I get that! I don't know what possessed anyone to eat them.
> If I squint just
> right, sure they look like puny artichokes... but I definitely would
> not think of cooking one on my own. Someone would have to assure me
> they were edible first.
Even the way I've had them, they were fibrous. I can't explain why
they were so delicious, they don't even sound good.
>> My ex's grandmother used to go picking them by bridges, if you can
>> imagine. Then she'd pound the living crap out of them, batter and
>> fry them. They'd be like crispy stringy appetizers and I adored
>> them.
> That's exactly how I'd go about eating them... prepared by someone
> else!
Me too. I have seen them, never bought them. Whenever I saw them,
the grandma would already have beaten them into submission. I don't
think I could duplicate it.