Bitching about the goddess, was Did Giada get a boob job?
Nancy2 wrote:
> Nigella does nothing that I cannot do, has nothing that I want, lives
> where could not pay me to live, and in general, has nothing for me to
> envy (a better term for your slur than jealousy, actually). And I'm
> sure I speak for most regularly-posting females in this group.
You certainly speak for me. Nigella's gorgeous but I don't want what
she has. There are many gorgeous women in the world, I don't know
why we're supposed to think they're all so wonderful that we wish we
were them. Notice when the guys here slam male chefs, no one says
Oh, you're just jealous. It's ridiculous to think that.
Nigella's show isn't for me, all that ooky camera work and eggs sliding
through the fingers gave me a kind of queasy feeling.